626 Landmark Foundation

About the Foundation
The 626 Landmark Foundation was created to preserve and maintain the French Empire style building located at 626 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Designed by Philip Brooks Maher, it opened for occupancy in 1929 and received Landmark status from the City of Chicago in 1991. It was built to serve as the new home for the Woman's Athletic Club of Chicago that had been founded by Mrs. Philip Armour in 1898 as the very first athletic club for women in the United States.
The 626 Landmark Foundation was established in June, 2000, for the following charitable and educational purposes:
- To restore, repair, preserve and protect the design, features and integrity of the exterior and roofs of the historically and architecturally significant Chicago landmark building located at 626 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- To provide education and information to the general public regarding the significant historical and architectural features of the building.
- To support charitable and educational purposes of other 501(c)3 exempt organizations.